

Diagramme climatique de St-Luc Climate in Central Valais is continental with strong influence from the Alps. Surrounded by high mountains, Central Valais escapes in part depressions coming from the Atlantic or the Mediterranean. The mountains form a barrier and clouds pour rain before this barrier. Only a hot dry wind can pass: the Foehn, which warms up the atmosphere in spring and autumn. Central Valais is the driest region in the country: it receives almost twice less rain than the Swiss Plateau. The total rainfall there are around 700 mm while the annual sunshine exceeds 2000 hours. Its clear atmosphere not only promotes the sunlight during the day, but cold at night. Temperatures are characterized by large daily and seasonal variations. Summer is hot and dry and winter rather cold, the snow falling almost every year down to the plain.

Snow conditions

The Anniviers enjoys a microclimate that is not a legend. Thanks to their high altitude, slopes of Anniviers enjoy snow conditions among the best in the Alps. This abundance of snow combines to an expertise that has been refined over decades. There is a way to work at night, the snow on the slopes that makes the layer will absorb even more cold and hold. Even if the weather persists, the tracks can remain unchanged for some time.